Our Fraternity of Alpha Zeta was founded on November 4, 1897 at Ohio State University by Brothers Charles W. Burkett and John F. Cunningham.
Now, 126 years later, the Fraternity endures. Tens of thousands of members like you have enhanced the profession of agriculture through the scholarship, leadership, fellowship, and character that you cultivated with your membership in Alpha Zeta.
The first Conclave was held at Ohio State University in 1902 – just five years after the Fraternity’s founding. The founders knew that holding regular, nationwide meetings of the Fraternity’s members was important to provide effective governance of the Fraternity and to maintain a spirit of fellowship among the chapters and members.

Delegates to the 15th Biennial Conclave, held at Chicago’s Great Northern Hotel in December of 1931, were all business.
The year 2025 will see Alpha Zeta hold its 59th Biennial Conclave in Ithaca, NY, as part of the annual AZ Summit. Hosted by the Cornell Chapter, the meeting is scheduled for March 20-23, 2025. The Biennial Conclave will provide an opportunity for delegates from each chapter to have a voice in the governance of the Fraternity. The AZ Summit will provide an opportunity for those student members to visit farms and agribusinesses in the Ithaca area, to participate in professional development seminars, to perform community service work, and to build friendships with members from across the country.

Delegates to the 2024 AZ Summit in Louisville are all smiles as they visit the 20-horse starting gate that is used exclusively for the Kentucky Derby at Churchill Downs.
As we reflect on our proud history and prepare for our 127th year, we ask that you help support experiences like the Biennial Conclave and the accompanying AZ Summit for today’s students by making a tax-deductible contribution to Alpha Zeta Foundation, Inc.
To give online via AZNetwork, click here.
To contribute via check or money order, make the instrument payable to “Alpha Zeta Foundation, Inc.” and mail it to the AZ Foundation at the following address:
Alpha Zeta Foundation, Inc.
P.O. Box 3331
Paducah, KY 42002
Thanks for your support of Alpha Zeta. Happy Founders’ Day!