Former High Council Members

High Chancellor

Term of Office


John F. Cunningham (Townshend 1899)

1897 - 1900


Charles W. Burkett (Townshend 1899)

1900 - 1906


William H. Stevenson (Morrow 1904)

1906 - 1910


A. F. Gustafson (Morrow 1906)

1910 - 1914


Claude B. Hutchinson (Missouri 1908)

1914 - 1923


Lindley H. Dennis (Morrill 1912)

1923 - 1936


Frank G. Helyar (Green Mountain 1906)

1936 - 1948


Davis S. Weaver (North Carolina)

1948 - 1952


Herbert R. Albrecht (Babacock 1932)

1952 - 1956


Verne C. Freeman (Purdue 1923)

1956 - 1960


Louis L. Madsen (Utah 1930)

1960 - 1964


Fred LeCrone (Oklahoma 1930)

1964 - 1976


Maurice G. Cook (Scovell 1957)

1976 - 1985


Ronald J. Seibel (Morrow 1957)

1985 - 1989


Dehlia Rae Wilkinson (Texas Alpha 1977)

1989 - 1999


Paul M. Jones (South Dakota 1987)

1999 - 2005


John Paul Ruszkiewicz (Cornell 1999)

2005 - 2009


Ole Meland (Cal Delta 1977)

2009 - 2011


Weston McCorkle (North Carolina 1993)

2011 - 2013


Kayle Robben (Kansas 2009)

2013 - 2015


Jackie Mundt (California Epsilon 2009)

2015 - 2019


Kayla Hurst (North Carolina 2015)

2019 - 2021


Ricki Schroeder (Oklahoma 2015)

2021 - 2023


George Stack (Cornell 2019)

2023 - 2025





High Censor

Term of Office


Oscar Erf (Townshend 1899)

1897 - 1900


Arthur G. McCall (Townshend 1900)

1900 - 1902


Coates P. Bull (Morrow 1901)

1902 - 1904


William H. Stevenson (Morrow 1904)

1904 - 1906


John F. Cunningham (Townshend 1899)

1906 - 1908


Alvin Keyser (Nebraska 1904)

1908 - 1910


Edwin A. Trowbridge (Babcock 1907)

1910 - 1912


Roy C. Potts (Kedzie 1906)

1912 - 1921


H. H. Kildee (Wilson 1908)

1921 - 1923


Thomas P. Cooper (LaGrange 1907)

1923 - 1931


Frank G. Helyar (Green Mountain 1906)

1931 - 1936


Edwin C. Voorhies (California 1913)

1936 - 1940


Roland R. Renne (Cook 1927)

1940 - 1952


Verne C. Freeman (Purdue 1923)

1952 - 1956


Louis L. Madsen (Utah 1930)

1956 - 1960


Fred LeCrone (Oklahoma 1930)

1960 - 1964


J. Clyde Driggers (Florida 1938)

1964 - 1968


W. Stephen Middaugh (Cornell 1962)

1968 - 1972


Maurice G. Cook (Scovell 1957)

1972 - 1976


Steven C. Drake (Townshend 1966)

1976 - 1985


Dehlia Rae Wilkinson (Texas Alpha 1977)

1985 - 1989


Ronald J. Seibel (Morrow 1957)

1989 - 1991


Scott D. Johnson (Babcock 1977)

1991 - 1997


Jennifer Woodward-Greene (Maryland 1995)

1997 - 1999


Michael Mischna (Cornell 1997)

1999 - 2001


John Paul Ruszkiewicz (Cornell 1999)

2001 - 2005


Jonathan Kui (Cornell 2002)

2005 - 2007


Ole Meland (Cal Delta 1977)

2007 - 2009


Emily Morgan (Cal Eta 2006)

2009 - 2011


David Headley (North Carolina 1984)

2011 - 2013


Jackie Mundt (California Epsilon 2009)

2013 - 2015


Emily Morgan (California Eta 2006)

2015 - 2017


Ricki Schroeder (Oklahoma 2015)

2017 - 2021


Lauren Fessler (Cornell 2017)

2021 - 2023


Ricki Schroeder (Oklahoma 2015)

2023 - 2025





High Treasurer

Term of Office


Arthur G. Abbot (Townshend 1899)

1897 - 1900


John F. Cunningham (Townshend 1899)

1900 - 1904


Archibald Stone (Cornell 1904)

1904 - 1906


Walter C. Coffey (Morrow 1907)

1906 - 1910


Harry B. Potter (Purdue 1909)

1910 - 1936


Lindley H. Dennis (Morrill 1912)

1936 - 1955


C. B. Gilliland (Arkansas 1934)

1955 - 1970


G. William Roach (Purdue 1955)

1970 - 1982


Ronald J. Seibel (Morrow 1957)

1982 - 1985


Mark H. Sanborn (Townshend 1981)

1985 - 1989


Scott D. Johnson (Babcock 1977)

1989 - 1991


Paul M. Jones (South Dakota 1987)

1991 - 1995


Robert E. McCorkle (California Delta 1961)

1995 - 1997


Paul M. Jones (South Dakota 1987)

1997 - 1999


Robert W. Bitz (Cornell 1952)

1999 - 2001


Jamie Jonker (Cornell 1995)

2001 - 2003


Jonathan Kui (Cornell 2002)

2003 - 2005


Jennifer Dierkes (Illinois Beta 2005)

2005 - 2007


Jesse Dotterer (Townshend 2008)

2007 - 2009


Weston McCorkle (North Carolina 1993)

2009 - 2011


Suzanne Zagury-Insler (Florida 2008)

2011 - 2013


David Headley (North Carolina 1984)

2013 - 2017


Christopher Castellano (Cornell 2010)

2017 - 2019


Kellen Habib (California Epsilon 2015)

2019 - 2023


Catherine Johnson (Delaware 2021)

2023 - 2025





High Scribe

Term of Office


Charles W. Burkett (Townshend 1899)

1897 - 1900


Walter I. Thompson (Cornell 1904)

1900 - 1904


John F. Cunningham (Townshend 1899)

1904 - 1906


George W. Hosford (Cornell 1902)

1906 - 1910


Percy B. Barker (Nebraska 1908)

1910 - 1912


Henry L. Eichling (Wilson 1911)

1912 - 1914


John H. Parker (LaGrange 1913)

1914 - 1921


Lewellyn T. Skinner (Nebraska 1914)

1921 - 1929


Deane G. Carter (Wilson 1915)

1929 - 1946


Herbert R. Albrecht (Babcock 1932)

1946 - 1952


Wallace E. Barron (Wilson 1928)

1952 - 1958


Bruce R. Taylor (Kansas 1931)

1958 - 1962


Fred P. Jeffrey (Morrill 1932)

1962 - 1966


John C. Foltz (Townshend 1955)

1966 - 1978


J. Howard Hesby (South Dakota 1966)

1978 - 1982


Dehlia Rae Wilkinson (Texas Alpha 1977)

1982 - 1985


Frederick D. McClure (Texas Alpha 1976)

1985 - 1989


Everett L. Martin (Oklahoma 1963)

1989 - 1993


Ronald J. Seibel (Morrow 1957)

1993 - 1997


Robert E. McCorkle (California Delta 1961)

1997 - 2001


Kelly Scanlon Dallas (Townshend  2000)

2001 - 2005


Richard W. Steffen (Illinois Delta 1986)

2005 - 2007


Weston McCorkle (North Carolina 1993)

2007 - 2009


Suzanne Zagury-Insler (Florida 2008)

2009 - 2011


Kayle Robben (Kansas 2009)

2011 - 2013


Emily Morgan (California Eta 2006)

2013 - 2015


Christopher Castellano (Cornell 2010)

2015 - 2017


Cassandra Hiner (California Eta 2016)

2017 - 2021


George Stack (Cornell 2019)

2021 - 2023


Regan Mitchem (North Carolina 2023)

2023 - 2025





High Chronicler

Term of Office


Donnelley H. Duncan (Townshend)

1897 - 1900


Oscar Erf (Townshend 1899)

1900 - 1904


Frederick L. West (Townshend 1904)

1904 - 1908


Harry C. Ramsower (Townshend 1906)

1908 - 1912


George Livingston (Townshend 1909)

1912 - 1913


Lindley H. Dennis (Morrill 1912)

1913 - 1923


Edwin C. Voorhies (California 1913)

1923 - 1936


David S. Weaver (North Carolina)

1936 - 1948


Hi W. Staten (Oklahoma 1924)

1948 - 1950


Louis L. Madsen (Utah 1930)

1950 - 1956


Fred LeCrone (Oklahoma 1930)

1956 - 1960


Harry G. Cockrum (Oregon 1939)

1960 - 1964


W. Stephen Middaugh (Cornell 1962)

1964 - 1968


Richard M. Swenson (Kedzie)

1968 - 1972


Steven C. Drake (Townshend 1966)

1972 - 1976


Paul D. Hummer (Morrill 1958)

1976 - 1985


Everett L. Martin (Oklahoma 1963)

1985 - 1989


Frederick D. McClure (Texas Alpha 1976)

1989 - 1993


Robert E. McCorkle (California Delta 1961)

1993 - 1995


Jennifer Woodward-Greene (Maryland 1995)

1995 - 1997


Michael Mischna (Cornell 1997)

1997 - 1999


Jamie Jonker (Cornell 1995)

1999 - 2001


Richard W. Steffen (Illinois Delta 1986)

2001 - 2005


Weston D. McCorkle (North Carolina 1993)

2005 - 2007


Emily Morgan (Cal Eta 2006)

2007 - 2009


Katie Smith (Delaware 2009)

2009 - 2013


Amber Kepley (North Carolina 2005)

2013 - 2017


Kayla Hurst (North Carolina 2015)

2017 - 2019


Lauren Fessler (Cornell 2017)

2019 - 2021


Catherine Johnson (Delaware 2021)

2021 - 2023


Kasandra Camejo (Florida 2023)

2023 - 2025





Student Representative

Term of Office

David P. Horn (Morrill 1984)

1982 - 1985

Paul J. Kirpes (Wilson 1987)

1985 - 1987

Jodi Milton (Montana 1988)

1987 - 1989

Anthony E. (Tony) Waller (Georgia 1990)

1989 - 1991

Katharine Michelle Bosch (Elliot 1992)

1991 - 1993

Jennifer Woodward-Greene (Maryland 1995)

1993 - 1995

Bill Druffel (Elliot 1996)

1995 - 1997

Stephen McShane (California Delta 1998)

1997 - 1999

Michael Lau (California Delta 1999)

1999 - 2001

Joe Baitinger (Wilson 2001)

2001 - 2003

Wenona Phillips (Oregon 2003)

2003 - 2005

Eryn Cramer (Oregon 2006)

2005 - 2007

Brittany Mosher (Cornell 2008)

2007 - 2009

John Orlowski (Cornell 2011)

2009 - 2011

Emmaline Long (Cornell 2012)

2011 - 2013

Gianna Parente (Cornell 2014)

2013 - 2015

Jorge Mendoza (California Eta 2016)

2015 - 2017

Kellen Habib (California Epsilon 2015)

2017 - 2019

Allyson Wentworth (Cornell 2020)

2019 - 2021

Kristina Phelps (North Carolina 2023)

2021 - 2023

Joseph Foy, II (North Carolina)

2023 - 2025



Alumni Representative

Term of Office

Jennifer Woodward-Greene (Maryland 1995)

2005 - 2007

Kristine Hodgson (Cal Eta 2006)

2007 - 2009

Kayle Robben (Kansas 2009)

2009 - 2011

Rory Roten (North Carolina 2007)

2011 - 2013

Christopher Castellano (Cornell 2010)

2013 - 2015

Beatriz Rodriguez-Rivera (California Epsilon 2014)

2015 - 2017

Lauren Fessler (Cornell 2017)

2017 - 2019

Steven Baringer (Oklahoma 2019)

2019 - 2021

Cassandra Hiner (California Eta 2016)

2021 - 2023

Valerie Weisbeck (Cornell 2020)

2023 - 2025