Chapter Activity Reports

Florida Chapter Rush Week

Florida Chapter Rush Week

Originally Posted By Angely S. Jimenez

The Florida Chapter held Rush Week from 9/15 to 9/18. The week kicked off with an info session on Monday evening, followed by a tabling event Tuesday at CALS Kick-Off,  sand volleyball on Wednesday, and then game night Thursday. The events were very successful, and it was a great opportunity for prospective pledges and current Brothers to interact and get to know one another.  Game night was especially fun, because we all got to sit around and talk to each other, and laugh while we played ...
Wednesday, October 15, 2014/Author: Alpha Zeta/Number of views (4765)/Comments (0)/
North Carolina FARM

North Carolina FARM

Originally Posted By Jamie L. DeRose

       Farm is the conclusion of New Member Education Week!  This semester, Frank Scott and his family shared their farm with us for the night.  When everyone arrived, we ate a home cooked dinner of pork, green beans, baked beans, potatoes, and dessert.  Then we played Ag-Olympics, which included an egg toss, tug-of-war, three-legged race, and dizzy bat.  Alphas and Zetas generally compete against each other in these games, and they are a lot of fun.  The “Branding Ceremony” followed the ...
Wednesday, October 15, 2014/Author: Alpha Zeta/Number of views (4092)/Comments (0)/
NC New Member Education Week

NC New Member Education Week

Originally Posted By Jamie L. DeRose

       New Member Education Week is held every semester after candidates are chosen.  The week began on the Sunday after our Retreat.   On Sunday, the candidates worked together to paint the Free Expression Tunnel on campus.  They were responsible for painting all of the names of each current AZ Brother, and Brothers painted the names of all of the candidates.  Afterwards, candidates receive binders with information of all active Brothers and learn that they must answer different questions ...
Wednesday, October 15, 2014/Author: Alpha Zeta/Number of views (4600)/Comments (0)/
North Carolina Retreat and Service Project

North Carolina Retreat and Service Project

Originally Posted By Jamie L. DeRose

       The Friday following Roundtable interviews, Brothers and new candidates attended an overnight retreat at Roanoke Christian Service Camp.  It is a traditional way to start the week, as candidates become introduced to the principles behind Alpha Zeta, as well as the Brothers.  New members also got to know each other over dinner, which was pizza from Domino’s.  After dinner, Brothers and candidates participated in a trust walk.  Each Brother brought an agricultural commodity that they ...
Wednesday, October 15, 2014/Author: Alpha Zeta/Number of views (4296)/Comments (0)/

North Carolina Fall Roundtable Interviews

Originally posted by Jamie L. DeRose

Roundtable interviews were held the Sunday before our Retreat in our chapter’s meeting room.  Applicants with valid reasons for not being able to attend the interviews were invited to interview on the following Wednesday, when we have our regular business meetings.  These interviews are the next step in the North Carolina Chapter’s recruitment process for new brothers.  Everyone who came out to Rush events was invited to come on Sunday for a formal interview in front of the Brotherhood.  A ...
Wednesday, October 15, 2014/Author: Alpha Zeta/Number of views (4298)/Comments (0)/

North Carolina Fall Rush Events

Originally Posted By Jamie L. DeRose

We successfully held our first Rush events of the year, and this year we decided to do some things differently!  Normally, Rush events are held indoors where potential candidates can meet us, watch a slideshow, and receive applications.  This year, however, we held our events outdoors in the Court of Carolina on campus.  The weather was beautiful, and we were able to get the potential candidates involved with volleyball and cornhole games with the Brothers!  The first night was outdoors, ...
Wednesday, October 15, 2014/Author: Alpha Zeta/Number of views (4223)/Comments (0)/
Puerto Rico Chapter Deep Fried Fundraiser

Puerto Rico Chapter Deep Fried Fundraiser

Originally Posted By Ezequiel MontaƱez Rivera

On September 24 we had our second fundraiser of the semester in our Agricultural Sciences building from 8:30am to 2:00pm. We were experimenting with this type of sale because our Chapter had never done it before and we didn't know if it was going to be successful, so we didn't want to buy to much product and then be unable to sell it. The sale was successful we made a total of $100, since we sold everything next time we know that there will be more demand.
Wednesday, October 15, 2014/Author: Alpha Zeta/Number of views (4192)/Comments (0)/
Florida Chapter: Humane Society Service Event

Florida Chapter: Humane Society Service Event

Originally Posted By Alexis Z. Curtin

On September 27, the Florida Chapter had its first service event of the semester at the Alachua County Humane Society.  Because we've had great experiences working with the ACHS in the past, we decided to volunteer with them three times this semester to allow as many brothers as possible to participate.  Although the morning consisted of hard work cleaning cages and bathing dogs, we had a great time playing with all of the animals and showing them some love!
Wednesday, October 15, 2014/Author: Alpha Zeta/Number of views (4187)/Comments (0)/
A Great Day for a 5K!

A Great Day for a 5K!

Originally Posted By Jared M. Ashworth

For the past few years the Townshend Chapter of Alpha Zeta has held a 5k in memory of two of our alumni. The profits from the 5k go to the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society to help support disease research. This year the "Be the Match" representative was unfortunately not able to come and speak to the participants, but Gabby Ruble, our member who was in charge of organizing the event, told the group about the opportunity to become a bone marrow donor.  Planning has to start in the summer to try ...
Tuesday, October 14, 2014/Author: Alpha Zeta/Number of views (4836)/Comments (0)/

Cornell New Member Orientation: Pizza Hunt

Originally Posted By Natasha A. Bartolotta

The second of our new member orientation events went very well this past week. This event is always a favorite among actives and new members as we get to sample delicious pizza from local restaurants in Ithaca. Our new members learned even more about the history and traditions of Alpha Zeta with guidance from our current actives throughout the pizza hunt. At the end of the night, they voted on their class pizza. The winner is: Napoli Pizzeria located in downtown Ithaca! 
Tuesday, October 7, 2014/Author: Alpha Zeta/Number of views (4657)/Comments (0)/